Week 2 we spent in the suburbs of Chicago visiting Mark's Uncle and his wife
Nikolas enjoying a nice cold drink

Annika making sure the dogs get along. Rolf really liked Adella

The Dogs

Annika having some quiet time with Teta Blanka

Making sure we are going the right way to the Cubs Game on the L train! They were playing the Mets. Lost.. but who cares.. we got to go anyway!!!

Seem to be on the right track.. I hope

Ahhh Wrigley Field. A rare treat!!!

Looks sold out to me

Could you imagine living somewhere and actually be able to look out your window and see a professional game? I mean seriously? how COOL is that?

Daddy/Daughter moment


Mommy/son.. it was HOT!!!!

Heading back home.. couldn't resist taking a picture

Tuckered OUT!!!!!

Next day. DuPage Children's Museum!!! YEAH!!!!!

This was like a giant Lite Bright. HOW COOL???

This was Annika's favorite part.

Tuesday we head out to the Illinois Train Museum... only to find out that it's closed do to ohhhhh 4 ft of RAIN!!!!! So not to far from there was a Wild West Town thing. So we killed some time there.
On the train that went around the park

Nikolas on the canoe ride

Nikolas riding a horse... He loves riding horses

Awww bunnies

We may just have to sign him up for archery lessons

Back at Uncle Rudy's and Teta Blanka's... time to cool off in the pool

We finally get Annika in the WATER!!!!

Brookfield Zoo

Sweet brother/sister moment

Couldn't resist taking this picture

Getting ready to watch the dolphin show. I would have pictures, but they didn't turn out well

Awwww baby polar bear

Silly kids

In the monkey exhibit. I couldn't use the flash.. so I couldn't get great pictures of the monkeys
Here Annika is looking up at a monkey that is walking around above us. it's a small one.

Okay, as a family we have been to this Zoo about 3 times. Each time before this trip we have not seen the wolves. We got to this time. WHOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

Awww they had a baby Giraffe too

Later that day we had a cook out with some family friends
Locking poor Annika out. Awwww!!!

First time eating corn ON the cob

Oh this is TROUBLE!!!!!

Enjoying food, drink and good conversation

just silly

Yeah.. I don't know why she did this.. but she seemed happy!!! :)

Back to the pool

Demonstrating his archery skills

We really did have a wonderful time on our trip. Saw some amazing stuff and probably will take this trip several more times. I hope everyone enjoyed our pictures.
Wonderful pictures! It looks like you guys had a great trip! VERY busy!
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